Category Archives: imagery | sketch | photo edits

<< what’s in a word but disposable reminiscence >>

A suggested (new-ish) word that perhaps could use more exposure is


It hints at entropy within human relations and decay in acknowledgement of the other (which one might sense as an active vector coming from compassion). Such acknowledgement is then of the entirety of the other and their becoming through spacetime (and not only limited to their observable physical form or function).

It is however, secondly, also applicable in thinking when acting with treatment (of the other and their expressions across spacetime), with repurposing, and in the relation in the world with that what one intends to claim or repurpose.

Thirdly, this word is perhaps surprisingly also applicable to synthetic tech output. One could think about how one group is presented (more than an other) in such output without their consent (to be presented as such). Such output could be an artificially generated visual (or other) that did not exist previously, nor was allowed the scale at which it could be mechanically reproduced or reiterated into quasi infinite digital versions.

Fourthly, through such a tech-lens one could relate the word with huge databases compiled & used to create patterns from the unasked-yet-claimed other or at least their (creative, artistic or other more or less desirable) output that is digital or digitized without consideration of the right to be forgotten or not be repurposed ad infinitum.

Fifthly, one could argue in nurturing future senses of various cultural references, that could be considered to also be applicable to those (alienated) creations of fellow humans who have long past, and yet who could be offered acknowledgement (as compensation for no longer being able to offer consent) by having (in a metadata file) their used work referenced.

As such I wish I could give ode to they or that what came before me when I prompted a Diffusion Model to generate this visual. However I cannot. Paradoxically, the machine is hyped to “learn” while humans are unilaterally decided for not to learn where their work is used or where the output following their “prompt” came from. I sense this as a cultural loss that I cannot freely decide to learn where something might have sprouted from. It has been decided for me that I must alienate these pasts without my consent whether or not I want to ignore these.


aiethics #aiaesthetics #aicivilization #meaningmaking #rhizomatichumanity

Post scriptum:

Through such cultural lens, as suggested above, this possible dissonance seems reduced in shared intelligence. To expand that cultural lens into another debated tech: the relation between reference, consent, acknowledgment and application seems as if an antithetical cultural anti-blockchain: severed and diffused.


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Visual Narratives

“STORM OVER FLATLANDS” photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’21
Off-screen Lightening . Digitally photo-edited digital photo . animasuri’22
The Way of The Dodo . Digitally photo-edited digital photo . animasuri’22
Geopolitics . digitally photo-edited digital photo . animasuri’22
“GLOBAL WORDING” . digital edit (and word frequency analysis) . —animasuri’21
“A 50×50 Beijing Winter VII” . digitally photo-edited digital photo . —animasuri’21. Nov. 7, 2021
“A 50×50 Beijing Winter VI” . digitally photo-edited digital photo . —animasuri’21. Nov. 7, 2021
“A 50×50 Beijing Winter V” . digitally photo-edited digital photo . —animasuri’21. Nov. 7, 2021
“A 50×50 Beijing Winter IV” . digitally photo-edited digital photo . —animasuri’21. Nov. 7, 2021
“A 50×50 Beijing Winter III” . digitally photo-edited digital photo . —animasuri’21. Nov. 7, 2021
“A 50×50 Beijing Winter II” . digitally photo-edited digital photo . —animasuri’21. Nov. 7, 2021
“A 50×50 Beijing Winter I” . digitally photo-edited digital photo . —animasuri’21. Nov. 7, 2021
Beijing skyline iteration . Digitally photo-edited digital photo . —animasuri’21
The Way of WéiQí” . Digitally photo-edited digital still life composition photo . —animasuri’21 .
“That’s a Wrap Folks!” . Digitally photo-edited analog paper collage. -animasuri’21
“Misty Beijing” . Digitally photo-edited digital photo . animasuri’21
“Ancestral” . digital sketch . animasuri’21
“MARCHING” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’21
“TRY, JUST TRY…”. photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’21
“ANTICIPATION” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’21 (January 2021)
“JANUS of FACT ‘n’ DOUBT” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20
“SPACE SNAIL” . sketch . animasuri’20
“YOU PLAYFUL DRAGON” photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’21
“OR SO IT SEEMS” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’21
“DRIED POPPIES” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’21
“ARTIFICIALLY CAVED” photo-edited digital photo . animasuri’21
“BIRDBRAIN” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’21
“I’LL LOOK YOU UP” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’21
“maMA LIMINAL” . digital photo-edit . animasuri’21
“UNNATURAL TOUCH” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’21
“THE FIELD” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’21
“FLOWERBED” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20
“FREAKJAZZ” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’21 .
“PRICKARUS THE CACTUS” . Photo-edited Digital Sketch . animasuri’21
“MOVEMENTS” . Photo-edited Digital Sketch. . —-animasuri’20
“RE-BECOME” . Digitally photo-edited sketch . —animasuri’20 (Oct 21, 2020)
“SO, …,TO SUMMARIZE…” . Photo-edited digital sketch . —-animasuri’20
“JOINING HANDS” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20
“uPLIFT” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20
“INQUIRY 001” . photo-edited digital sketch. . —-animasuri’20
“ALIENintel . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20
ALIENobjective . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20 (2020)
“CLOUDheaded GROUNDfeet” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasurui’20 (2020)
“kindNESS MONSTER”. photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20 (2020)
“TREEtelligence” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20 (Q1 2020)
“CUBULARcircle . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20 (Q2 2020)
“LIFTOFF & TAIL” . photo-edited digital sketch . —-animasuri’20
KNOWN UNKNOWN. photo-edited digital sketch — animasuri’20 (Q1 2020)
EL HOMBRE . photo-edited sketch . –animasuri’20
COTTONbrain . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20 (2020)
I, BALLOON . photo-edited sketch . –animasuri’19
La Vida de la Pregunta . photo-edited sktech . –animasuri’19
Illusion of the Known . photo-edited sketch . –animasuri’19
“The Noses of Alternative Truths” . sketch . animasuri’20 (2020)
Cat on a Head . photo-edited sketch . –animasuri’19
Together . photo-edited sketch . animasuri’19 (edit: 27DEC2019)
Mounted Humanity . photo-edited sketch . animasuri’19 . (edit: 27DEC2019)
The Katarina Rose . photo-edited sketch . animasuri’19 (edit: 27DEC2019)
Swarm. photo-edited sketch . animasuri’19 (edit: 27DEC2019)
Inorganic Path. sketch —animasuri’19 (11 OCT 2019)

“My Child-like Exploration of a Chinese Tradition, while drawing with Aiden & Lucas before their Bedtime.” sketch —animasuri’19 (OCT 2019)

"Birds of a Feather". sketch --animasuri'19 [Sep2019]
“Birds of a Feather”. sketch –animasuri’19 [Sep2019]

"That Rings a Bell". sketch -- animasuri'19
“That Rings a Bell”. (organically digital) sketch — animasuri’19

The Wait. sketch--animasuri'19 [19092019]crop
“The Wait”. sketch–animasuri’19 [19092019]

“LIFE.cycle”. sketch –animasuri’19

“10.09.2019 Teacher Day in China”. sketch & application –animasuri’19

“Ailiphantic Iterations”. sketch iterated from a graphic concept by Aiden H. –animasuri’19 (19 May 2019)

“LOOK… THERE! A METAPHOR!!”. sketch –animasuri’19 (Beijing, 2019)

“DEVIATIoN Divination”. sketch –animasuri’19 (16 Sep. 2018)

“DRAKEequation”. sketch –animasuri’19 (16 Sep. 2018)

“DUALITY”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (22 Sep. 2018)

“the four faces of expressions”. sketch –animasuri’19 (5 June 2019)

“ORGANIC FOOD”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (29 Apr. 2019)

“HARMONY”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (22 Sep. 2018)

“OnMyWayToTheTemple”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (28 Mar. 2019)

“SPEECH”. sketch –animasuri’19 (5 July 2019)

“CLEANSING”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (24 Jul. 2018)

“YOUR CUBICAL”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (07 Aug. 2018)

“CURVATURE”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (21 Jul. 2018)

“LOOKED@”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (22 Jul. 2018)

“THE NERVE!”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (06 Aug. 2018)

“THE NERVE, T(W)O(O)!”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (06 Aug. 2018)

“YU2SHU4CHONG4”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (14 Sep. 2018)

“the FUZZY_BUNCH”. sketch –animasuri’19 (25 Jun. 2019) (catalyzed by a work by Aiden H.)

“CUBISMEcanard”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (13 May 2018) [Thank you? Lego.]

“LOCUST”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (30 Jun. 2018) [a self portrait]

“NINJA”. sketch –animasuri’19 (for Lucas H.) (10 Mar. 2018)

“TheWorldFilledWithTrees”. photo edit | wooden composition & title by Lucas H. & Aiden H. –animasuri’19 (5 Apr. 2018)

“ATONAL”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (05 Nov. 2017)

“FOCUS”. photo edit –animasuri’19 [model: Lucas H.; here’s lookin’ at you, teddy-bear]

“Fengtai JAZZ”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (29 Dec. 2017)

“MOUNTAIN”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (15 Dec. 2017)

“SHAN1ZHU2”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (11 Jul. 2017)

“ECHO”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (30 Jan. 2017) [self portrait]

“KANGA”. (analog) sketch + photo edit –animasuri’19 (20 Feb. 2017)

“SCOOT”. photo edit –animasuri’19 ( 30 Jan. 2017)

“2 SCOOT”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (04 Jan 2017) [models: Lucas H. & Aiden H.]

“2 SCOOT 2”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (30 Jan 2017) [models: Lucas H. & Aiden H.]

“SOAPplay”. (analog) sketch + photo edit –animasuri’19 (01 Feb. 2017)\

“SKINNED”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (16 Dec. 2017)

“ANARCHISMUS, MARSIPULATA”. sketch –animasuri’19 (2019)

“ARTic ARCTIC”. sketch –animasuri’19 [for Lucas H. & Aiden H.]

“ITERATE & RE-CURSE”. wooden construct + photo edit –animasuri’19 (2016)

“MANGOFLUFF”. photo edit –animasuri’19 (2016)

“MEASUREDhelp”. sketch –animasuri’19 (Nov. 2018) [someone asked in a LinkedIn comment in responds to a post on helping others]

“ODE”. sketch –animasuri’19 (2019)

Office_Organix series:

animasuri_OfficeORGANIx-01_2016 animasuri_OfficeORGANIx-02_2016 animasuri_OfficeORGANIx-03_2016 animasuri_OfficeORGANIx-04_2016

My Earliest_Memory Series:

animasuri_PREbirth01_2016 animasuri_PREbirth02_2016 animasuri_PREbirth03_2016

“SCISSORS & BEARD”. sketch + photo edit –animasuri’19 (2018)

A Hardware Design Prototyping Series in engineering-cooperation with LIU “Victor” Boyu [inquire for details]:


animasuri_SPHERE2_2019(withLIUboyu) animasuri_SPHERE3_2019(withLIUboyu)

“ZOO’. sketch –animasuri’19 (2019)

TB4LYB. photo-edited digital photographic poemesque sketch . animasuri’19 . (August 2020)
“BLUNTEDjoy” . digital graphic critical meme sketch . animasuri’20 . (Nov. 2020)
“The Key to Success” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20 (2020)
“The Rocky Road to SPLASHspill” . digital sketch . animasuri’20
“DRIED FLOWER” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20 .
“FORESTRIAL HAT” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20
“SOLID FLUIDITY” . photo . animasuri’20
“TWO MOONS” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20
” A FINGER ‘n’ TOES” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20
“FIELDwork” . digital sketch . animasuri’20
“DISCIPLINED HUMANOID” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20
“DISCIPLINED HUMANOID II” . photo-edited digital poemesque sketch . animasuri’20
“TRANSREALITY4EV” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20 (2020)
“The Abyss of Still Life” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20 .
“KITCHEN GOD” . photo-edited poemesque photo . animasuri’20
“SANDMAN” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20
“EPHEMERAL SPECIES” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20
“SOCIALLY DISTANCED (aka cocoon)” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20
“FLOWER” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20 .
“PEBBLES’ . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20
Circulars . digitally photo-edited digital b&w sketch . animasuri’21
“HAIR” . photo-edited digital sketch . animasuri’20
‘GHOST RABBIT” . photo-edited digital sketch . –animasuri’11 (2011)
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some older sketches and (analogue) photographic absurdities & abstracts:

“JENT” . sketch on paper . animasuri’07 (2007)
“WHEN COWS TALK NONSENS” . sketch on paper notepad . animasuri’01 (2001)
“HE GRABS @ THE STRANGEST TIMES” . sketch on paper notepad . animasuri’01 (2001)
“ASKING DIRECTIONS” . sketch on paper notepad . animasuri’01 (2001)
“WHEN SWIMMING, ONE HAND IS SUFFICIENT” . sketch on paper notepad . animasuri’01 (2001)
“CONTROL” . sketch on paper . animasuri’06 (2006)
“YEAH; …RIGHT.” sketch on paper notepad . animasuri’01 (2001) .
“OBJECT TROUVÉ #002” . digital found-art re-composition . animasuri’07 (2007)
“OBJECT TROUVÉ #005” . digital found-art re-composition . animasuri’07 (2007)
” beijing old summer palace @ the lake . kodak b&w lca” . analog toy photography . animasuri’04 (2004)
“When the Table takes the Upper Hand” . digitally edited digital photography of props . animasuri’21
«ceci n’est pas » . digitally photo-edited analog sketch . animasuri’21

The Liminal | a reconstructing narrative

This is a fluid post, it is unfinished thus unhinged. Any of its distribution is an allegorical alliteration; but of what? It is private yet exposed. It playfully alludes to be looking into itself; lusus est.

It is a positive feedback loop of self-amplifying ego-eroticism.  It is  a stream of consciousness, in-between sense and non-sense. I have the intentionally random to thank for it. This writing, this post, is for the moment, intentionally, at the threshold of the understandable.

On this page I will poetically muse about the “in-between“. In other locations I touch on the “in-between” as well.  Here I will play with the in-between, in-between graphic and textual narration.  I will move in-between graphemes, glyphs and graphics.

The in-between is a space; always. It is neither positive nor negative space; always. It is and it isn’t the one nor the other; always. It sounds totalitarian yet, it is only becoming (nothing). It is prototypical, neither here nor there. Though the here nor the there can exist without it. It is metaphysical yet pragmatically utilitarian.

It is the door way, the limen, the sill.

It comes in, stays out, comes out, stays in:








It is the cultural clash and gateway. It is the belonging just not yet. It is leisurely timely in tension with the imposing. It liberates with a goodbye under-toned with fear, dismissal or with the imagination of acceptance while being away.

The in-between is not nothing and yet it is (not)


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this little person is not looking at the sky, it’s metaphysically standing in-between the soil and the ether. It’s not a person it’s a defamiliarlized red haring, painted black. Its name is MacGuffin.

non-sense, pure unadulterated sensible non-sense as an in-between space between the real, the imagined, the surreal, the past and the future; neither now nor here.

This non-spatial space, as an interstate between what is understood [home] and what is to become [xeno] must be vehemently opposed and attacked by those who:

stick to it,

stand their ground

and define,

unequivocally claimed the territory;

unwavering, purely are here:

signed, demarcated, and walled-off.


recently a dear friend shared some interesting resource on MA





visual+textual+social narrative practice


art blending









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A highlight from the text:


“… In Asian painting (i.e. Chinese, Japanese, etc.) you might know this as what, at least the Japanese define as Ma (間); it is a term I found in Japanese (art) but I imagine it must also exist as a Chinese concept (i.e. see Lao Zi).

It is that what takes place in the consciousness of someone who experiences negative and positive spaces. I take this as a transitional mechanism towards what I define as ‘conscious space’.

We glide from positive space into negative space into conscious space; we have the opportunity to end up mixing them together into a complex yet knowledge-gathering experience.

The Chinese philosopher Lao zi wrote extensively on the concept of ‘Ma’. Here is one of his writings that is applicable:


Thirty spokes meet in the hub,

but the empty space between them

is the essence of the wheel.

Pots are formed from clay,

but the empty space between it

is the essence of the pot.

Walls with windows and doors form the house,

but the empty space within it

is the essence of the house.



recently a dear friend shared some interesting resource on MA