<< Tooled Relations >>

Relationship. I might argue that ‘relationship’ not only lies in the intentionality of returned feedback from the other. It also lies in the embodied expectation (which is nuanced slightly away from conditionality). I sense, through such lens, relationship to lie in perceptions by one. I experience perceptions being influenced and influencing in how one relates to the *idea* of relationship and of what is or isn’t reciprocated there within. 

Unidirectionality of a relationship, between two or more humans and, for instance, between human and tool, could perhaps be (experienced as) uni-directional if one continues looking through a Newtonian and a discrete lens. The thing is though, between humans, (perceived) unidirectionality could very well be far more detrimental for the well-being of either human then the delusion of seeing reciprocated directions between a human and a tool or more determining than any justification of looking through a lens any other than the earlier mentioned lens. 

Could it be more than unidirectional if one were to look through a post-Newtonian lens that is indiscrete (rather than obscuring) from the observed? To observe is to relate and possibly become related with the observed. The intentionality of one or the other, could that be secondary and at times itself obscuring?

Especially with a human in the loop of a technology, such as “social”-mediating technologies, expectations of relationship become challenged and require a reinterpretation of intentionality and expectation. 

This arguably I sense is the case  between humans as their relationship is interrupted or obscured by a medium claimed as “social” and hence equally expected to be relatable as such. In a sense the artificial is a subset thereof. The artificial then also might become a feature within the mediated human to human relation.  

In the realm of human experiences that what is imagined to be observed comes in some manner or other  into existence, and not only by means of delusion. There are numerous examples. ‘Religions’ as a set could be understood as a large set of relationships that are claimed and experienced by many to be at least bidirectional.  

That what is observed is altered by the observer as the observed relates back in that altered state to the observer. This is not too far-fetched outside of the classical Newtonian constraints on larger reality. Moreover, the imagined reciprocation is possibly as potent as the perceived or imagined lack of reciprocation. Hence is it singularly obfuscation when the imaginary ‘friend’ reciprocates since the one doing the imagining perceives it as such? 

Hence I begin to wonder whether  ‘relationship,’ ‘intentionality’ and ‘reciprocity’ might flourish in their own nuances if not equated or as if only existent when their relationship were claimed as one of linear causation or the lack thereof. 

 the possibility for perceived relationship with for instance conversational AI technologies, which could be extensions of “social” mediation, and more specifically its generative AI variations as cultural and social mediating, could offer one triggers for imagined and lived bi- / multi-directionality with ambiguity in the relationship.   That ambiguity is possibly as ambiguous as human to human relations are possibly experienced; especially on social media. I for one do sense ambiguity between humans more than between me and a machine. 

Let me take this further. Under the scenario where the human relation with data collection machinery —which includes systems with AI technologies— is considered as raw material, relationships are mined for their data points, to be fed back to the (other) human as consumable items. That is not unidirectional at all. 

In this scenario one might consider model decay (and other subsets of information and relational entropy) of a generative system (which includes human to human relationships), such as GAIs, as one such example of stripmining. This scenario might be one where the resource for the miner potentially diminishes over time, since it is fed by its own output as content generated via humans feeding it back to it. This might then not be a singularly directed relation as a human might have with a napkin, pencil, wrench or a hammer.  The technology that outputs structures for which a human feels inclinations to fabricate meaning is not unidirectional. Ignoring this could cloud the nuances and consequences. 

A valued reference in my thinking here:

Tschopp, M., Gieselmann, M., & Sassenberg, K. (2023). Servant by default? How humans perceive their relationship with conversational AI. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 17(3), Article 3. https://doi.org/10.5817/CP2023-3-9

<< Álfröðull >>

Sun, in disjunction with blue skies,
clarify’d by dark wolverine’s welkin trails:
how ever when, where ever how

She did did she but upon herself
through the treacherous language we gave:
set; she did in fact not, zest she did give

It is us who turned away
it is us who turned our backs
and yet not free willed

pulled by Presence and Absence
we were reverted, turned and exerted forward

as a ball of life on a spit
she spat her beams

for as long as she attends to us


<< Anything is Awkward >>

play the piano,
use a 3-D printer,

check out everything

books to ice skates
chopped gherkins,

three white Finnish men

sour cream, and honey.
butts and boobs everywhere

“Let’s go smoke a cigarette.”

everything is awkward
everything is right

where it should be

                   appropriational note-taking 
                   The stolen word series 

source: Collins, Lauren. (2023, June 12). Pilvi Takala and the Art of Awkwardness. The New Yorker. Profiles June 19, 2023 Issue. Via Dr. WSA

<< An Opera of Writing >>

a metaphor for sorting met with force of sorts
violence and love matriculate bars, tempos, lessons, lesions and doves

an opera of metaphors, there falls a pencil on the sand-ridden wooden stage, ergo faints an earthworm when brushed over onto the cobblestones, back there through that door, there where word mills a’ churn’n of left-over grandeur, pomp and praise and a snippet of score left bleeding ink darkening moss, there endings stop displaced tails of the conductor’s left gliding pincer grip, there words brood cheapness to counterpoint with cheap life as notes are as in cheap candy bars: could you imagine —waking and walking back inside as a second movement— an interlude, with vendors of sugar and crunch? Is my repertoire but a page away as bassoons ‘n’ bullfrogs announce me o’ they shall some day, some day they shall

Me my mi me do mi sol mi minor mi that chord as manure’s manners of ding dung ding when writing smells of opera, opera appears brass necked in the breath of a drunken sailor from across the street smudging the last bit of green, slipped on the wet flowerless street plant that lacks true roots in the dampness of dumbed down dumplings from next door’s hole in the wall: the opera house’s back door always slams composure.


via The Financial Times,
via Benjamin, George,
via Dr. WSA.

“Composer George Benjamin ‘Writing an opera is like diving into a pool for the first time’” (Financial Times)

<< The Act >>

Acting within irrational, non-scientific realms of bigotry is unscholarly & shows a lack of a number of vectors of intellectual capability, resulting in sustained historic abuses, maintained present-day harm & increased existential risk, even for those who propagate, ignore & accept bigotry.


<< Ignoring Bodies of Work >>

wishing a painting
ground pulped juice
with pigment of berries: circular red

wiping with Gustav
fills lips color
worn bodies of reflection: citrus gold

windows on soles
hold ceramic deeds
would wooden surface: crunch popped

when stills notice
gushing feeding hungering
wayward digitization exhibition: crippled voyeur

wiping with Gustav
feet fingers faces
wiping sour I was there: criminal allure



           ref: IMG_20230708_084746_1.jpg
           8 Jul 2023, at 15:42 via Dr. WSA

Epilogue: “IMG_20230708_084746_1.jpg” or a picture speaks a thousand words. What if one hints at these thousand words and then removes the picture? Does this pervert, augment, represent what “IMG_20230708_084746_1.jpg” visualizes or what one imagines it visualizes?