<< what’s in a word but disposable reminiscence >>

A suggested (new-ish) word that perhaps could use more exposure is


It hints at entropy within human relations and decay in acknowledgement of the other (which one might sense as an active vector coming from compassion). Such acknowledgement is then of the entirety of the other and their becoming through spacetime (and not only limited to their observable physical form or function).

It is however, secondly, also applicable in thinking when acting with treatment (of the other and their expressions across spacetime), with repurposing, and in the relation in the world with that what one intends to claim or repurpose.

Thirdly, this word is perhaps surprisingly also applicable to synthetic tech output. One could think about how one group is presented (more than an other) in such output without their consent (to be presented as such). Such output could be an artificially generated visual (or other) that did not exist previously, nor was allowed the scale at which it could be mechanically reproduced or reiterated into quasi infinite digital versions.

Fourthly, through such a tech-lens one could relate the word with huge databases compiled & used to create patterns from the unasked-yet-claimed other or at least their (creative, artistic or other more or less desirable) output that is digital or digitized without consideration of the right to be forgotten or not be repurposed ad infinitum.

Fifthly, one could argue in nurturing future senses of various cultural references, that could be considered to also be applicable to those (alienated) creations of fellow humans who have long past, and yet who could be offered acknowledgement (as compensation for no longer being able to offer consent) by having (in a metadata file) their used work referenced.

As such I wish I could give ode to they or that what came before me when I prompted a Diffusion Model to generate this visual. However I cannot. Paradoxically, the machine is hyped to “learn” while humans are unilaterally decided for not to learn where their work is used or where the output following their “prompt” came from. I sense this as a cultural loss that I cannot freely decide to learn where something might have sprouted from. It has been decided for me that I must alienate these pasts without my consent whether or not I want to ignore these.


aiethics #aiaesthetics #aicivilization #meaningmaking #rhizomatichumanity

Post scriptum:

Through such cultural lens, as suggested above, this possible dissonance seems reduced in shared intelligence. To expand that cultural lens into another debated tech: the relation between reference, consent, acknowledgment and application seems as if an antithetical cultural anti-blockchain: severed and diffused.