Tag Archives: wall of words

<< Outin’ Contexts >>

Rhythmic rhythm rhyme as centric-libertarian anarchy or well-distempered Stockhausen and cacophonous company at play in poetry Realizing I left this phrase rather late I think therefor it is reasonably congested and automatedly drivable forward Throw in a sentence seemingly Seemingly out of rhythm growing off and in to put back up meaning making frameworks of fragility and yet not maturity Constant pinging for trepidational translation and immediate transcoding ripped out of your comfort zone earzone warwax out of rhythm is out of context no yes maybe at times 200 Billion plus out of sight out of known That is those mental models you took for granted Ceci est la pipe d’un fumeur not hinting at innuendo of where there here is smoke then there where is more smoke Give too a doze of incongruity from the sharpest edge Is anything ever decontextualizable Alien intelligentsia are alienated data from the set is the word a stage within which they assigned themselves meaning put in more malice So too comes it with a word a phrase a dog’s pile of bones I am competing with artificially designed poetics I win moaning meaning and thought and consciousness and sachets of bleached happiness because I say so I said soon I will be saying soap I am sane in context Be-ware 


header visual: digitally edited digital photo . “Beyond Mere Fistages” . —animasuri’22

<< I stole >>

I impertinently stole these words pried from the wicker cutty-stool’s back Was it bamboo, cane, rattan, reed, seagrass, or willow perhaps vinyl: for sure You sat there, arched back, lower disc pains pen held in left itch in the armpit: paper smudges I will hold you responsible for all the things you did not and knowingly omitted: blank page Did you mean for your main character to actively commit someone to the immorally dead by turning her head away from agency Ah bestowed upon loss of autonomous pages where are thou free’edness Rip the rattan claw them out: cat Let the inner frame be naked and stand out Spill your guts out: filled The page silenced the stomachs


<< A Paper Brick Trough the Window >>

A self-portrait, perhaps of that old bearded professor’s book not of the author of the printed words but of the messenger’s own private house of lords and common articles precious and pressured to be meant. Is he who marathons’ a thought the writer of the subtext on the sideline? To then parched then dropped dead of then watering words is staining ink as then a last breath to off a human serial a-synchronization of thoughts in the margin. The grammatically abusive lies of syntactic silent crows picking tongues no longer bespoken of standards of stories of strangulated minds, triangulated with les franges du tapis at the shared and fringes of one’s read, thus transparent, existence. Life, life is funny that way. 


perverted note-taking of Ishion Hutchinson; Published in the New Yorker print edition of the September 17, 2018, issue.Ishion Hutchinson is the author of the poetry collections “Far District” and “House of Lords and Commons.”https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/09/17/the-old-professors-bookand of the email and emailer Dr. WSA

<< wallOwords >>

Let me pay you with a flipping billion pages daily oily rice paper enwrapping the margins with distracting layers of writing that have never really felt as having left the winding windmills of the undiscussable authors’ mulling Let me pay you homage with marginal funds of fondness paid to you to keep the bordered-off body of verbalized peoples warm and the framing of factories flowing Sounding spices must flow and trothed sand shovels the riverbed deeper flowing its pickled phrasing inland We are the salt flowing in your lake of words madam Shed multiples of my childhoods in bookhood heading upstream: I see you now You row, you crane, you rush ‘n’ you beaconed the beckoning of the youesque


Accidental Perverted note taking of Waddell, J. (April 29, 2022). “Sorcery and the apprentice. A bibliophile critic’s powerful ‘shelfie’-portrait. Retrieved on April 29, 2022 from here ( https://www.the-tls.co.uk/articles/portable-magic-emma-smith-book-review-james-waddell/ ) ; as triggered by Dr WSA.