selective focus of plants

<< The Healing Voice >>

The voice of conscience
it modulates at supersonic frequency
for Fluffy, a Dobermann, to hear

snipping her ears ‘n’ tail clipping her nails,
trimming her fur

The voice of the people
it escalates at fringes to scalability
for Establishment, a Status quo, to pedigree

piling human utterances into machinery
spitting out lookalikes, generically for all to see

The voice of reason
it observes in method and model
for Reality, an Ontology, to bark or be

confusing sciences for quick buck application
caring for pillage, and artistry for sophistry

The voice of sewage
it gushes at high pressured forces
for daring delegation, ‘n’ trust, wagging away

segregating minds onto shriveling islands sneaking squinting gazes for white broidered curtains to hide in front

onto your reflectively overheating asphalt ocean
I wave: come and join me
for a simple, silently-slow slurped cup of tea
