dingle peninsula in ireland

<< Subject >>

a highest form
of information

as chiseling at
subtractive synthesis

until the hand
rocks it as stoning
to end dialogue

and the model
becomes negative space
for you to be reformed

and yet,


some triggers

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Kiefer, C. Ziegler, T., Tensen, M., Hahn, A., Wassmuth, N., Rymer, P., Marbach, B. (2022). AI Sculpting co-creation in the age of artificial intelligence. Online, Berlin, Germany: onformative. studio for digital art and design.

Su, K. (2020). Cluster Diffusing Shuffles. (clustering illusion). Thesis: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.09874.pdf

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