AI, Impact Investment, Ethics & Deeply Human-Centered Innovation: #7

Part #7: Technologies & Human Skills, Methods & Processes.


Should we implement the technology with some ethics as suggested for AI in the World Economic Forum’s White Paper? Sure, while I have my doubts that suffices since I sense it might be too superficial. Could we instill its users with a literacy? Perhaps, some, yes.[15]

Besides using technologies some publications (not necessarily those listed above) also seem to consider learners and their abilities to design technologies. Following voices encouraging the learning of coding at earliest ages (while some question this), more and more voices speak up that a skillset of coding alone is not sufficient and that Computational Thinking should be taught and learned from earliest ages onward. I tend to agree (while I wonder about the age since play to me and others is a learning of and by the child), and I am implementing Computational Thinking in my educational work and in solutions that aim to offer just that.

Others speak of the need of Emotional Intelligence (which is debatable a subset of human intelligence). Yet others speak of leadership skills (instead of passiveness, apathy, bossiness and so on) and this in addition and beyond one’s own individual immediate needs or wants. Other voices again speak of 21st Century Skills which includes some of the technical skills as found within Computational Thinking (besides the latter’s many cognitive skills it implies) and emotional and leadership intelligence.

In all of these, perhaps you too could agree that at least one attribute stands out as a common denominator:

thought or cognitive processes (inclusive of all the attributes as I present above under the heading of HI) that could (not) lead to increasingly considerate thought-to-action.[16] Perhaps you are among those who could also agree that often these calls for such “soft skills”-needs in learning are pointed out in numerous publications (interestingly though, I think not really in the ones listed above).

Yet, very few, if any, publicly available methodology is accompanying such call with a learnable methodology (as my writing here has been guilty of it up until this point).



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