<< Nay >>

And yet: here gallop into frame Bertold Brecht’s Making Strange and Verfremdungseffekt; neighboring play of two horses. Nay, two horses galloping scalloping for Venus giving dramatic exposure to becoming constructed in differentiating way•s; visual music is wavingly fluid manes bray of deceased cooking pots and revived pans, kling, Klang clippety-clop of the horses or Stockhausen’s engines taking center stage making strange the histories of the present common place; neigh.

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perverted note-taking triggered by:

Kuper, A., Whitehead, C., & Hodges, B. D. (2013). Looking Back to Move Forward: Using History, Discourse and Text in Medical Education Research: Amee Guide No. 73. Medical Teacher35(1), e849–e860. https://doi.org/10.3109/0142159X.2012.748887

